Monday, December 17, 2012

iPhotography - Day 5 - Letters and Numbers

On day five students traveled the building in search for naturally occurring letters and numbers. They had to be creative and look for objects, collections of objects, or structures that formed numbers or letters of the alphabet. This proved to be the most difficult challenge yet. Some students need more time than we had available and therefore did some editing of other pictures they took around the school that day. 

Here are the results:

Taken by Sophia - grade 6 - the letter "P"
Taken  by Olivia - grade 8 - the letter "M"
Taken by Benjy - grade 6

Taken by Molly - grade 6

Taken by Olivia - grade 6
Taken by Olivia - grade 6
Taken by Molly - grade 6

Taken by Carly - grade 6

Taken by Mitch - grade 7

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